Spring Cleaning on the Homestead!

Now that the snow is gone you can see all the trash that has accumulated over the winter. I know spring is always a busy time of year between seeding pastures, cleaning barns, calves, chicks, piglets & maple syrup. However, it really pays to do your spring cleaning before the grass gets too green. We tend to regret it the rest of the year if we miss it. We like to go out as a family and take a couple loops around the yard cleaning up as we go. It takes about 3 hours for Johanna and myself to check out the 6 acres around the house and barn.

What to use

  • Heavy duty trash bags

  • A wagon or a wheel barrel

  • Several helpers if possible.

Things to watch for besides trash

  • Rocks: Don’t want the lawnmower to hit them.

  • T-posts: These can get lost under the grass if you aren’t careful.

  • Cattle Panels: Especially if they are lying flat on the ground.

  • Wire & baling twine: Take a walk around the fences and anywhere you used hay bales this year or in the past. Also watch for any downed or old fences

  • Scrap Lumber & Tree Limbs:

  • Nails & Screws: If you did any construction take a glance around there after a rain. If possible use 3ft cleanup magnet to pick up any loose hardware.

Important places to check:

  • Along fences

  • Edge of the woods

  • Where you feed the livestock

  • Any fields that have had tilling done on them in the last year.

  • Loop around the house and any shelters.

  • Areas you work on projects.

In MN, spring is the only time of the year you can see everything on the ground clearly. Don’t miss this opportunity to clean your farm up the easy way. Once the grass gets thick you will have to walk across every foot of it to find stuff hiding in the grass. Not to mention that the items you pick up will be caught in the weeds and roots and will be much harder to pick up once they are found. Especially baling twine!

Have a great spring and enjoy the warm weather!