Making Your Fencing Easy

Fencing can be a very slow and tiring process. Here are some ways you can speed it up and make it easier on your back and arms.

Powered Fence Post Pounder

If you have a lot of T-posts to pound this can make your life a lot easier and speed up your project significantly. It is well worth the price.

Eventually you will need to pull and move some of the posts. This saved us a lot of frustration when we finally purchased a post puller.

This is a lot faster than a hand digger but still is pretty small and can be hard on your back in clay or rocky soils.

The skid steer auger is my favorite option. It is fast, powerful and doesn’t make your back ache.

The hand auger goes slow and you have to lift the weight of the motor every time. This auger has a larger motor and it counter balances the weight of the dirt. This is an excellent way to speed up and simplify your fencing project.